Back to the Face on MarsWhile Scientific American has probably in mind future astronauts, the new discoveries have important implications for the presence on Mars of “ancient astronauts,” and have a bearing on the issue of the famed (and controversial) Face on Mars. In his various volumes of The Earth Chronicles series, Zecharia Sitchin has provided ancient evidence, both texts on clay tablets and illustrations from cylinder seals, showing that Mars served as a way station for the Anunnaki “gods” in their space travels from Nibiru to Earth. (See also the article “Was the ‘Face’ depicted 4,500 years ago?” on this website). |
In The Lost Book of Enki (2004) Zecharia wrote in regard to the Face on Mars that it marked the burial place of an Anunnaki leader named Alalu - that a great rock, fashioned in the image of his face wearing an astronaut’s helmet, covered a cave in which the dead Anunnaki leader was laid to rest. The existence on Mars of large caves (‘caverns’) topped by shaped rock structures – now revealed by NASA’s new discoveries – was thus actually written about first in Zecharia’s The Lost Book of Enki three years earlier. Z. Sitchin 2007 Permission to reprint is hereby granted on condition that the following is prominently stated: