"The best" -- "great" -- "inspiring" --
"memorable" -- these were the sentiments expressed by the participants in the Fifth Sitchin Studies Seminar at the conclusion of the weekend-long event in Dallas, Texas, last month. The presentations by Zecharia ranged from Genesis to Prophecies & Messianic Expectations, revealed data regarding Nibiru's return, and included first-ever showing of slides from his search for Mount Sinai.
This concluding Seminar honored seminar veterans, who were presented by Zecharia with Alumni (3 seminars), Graduate (4 seminars) and Master (5 seminars) certificates; and the occasion for expressions of tribute to him. "Zecharia Sitchin's work breaks new ground and his compelling evidence will inevitably bring about a paradigm shift," said Dr. Marlene Evans of Saratoga Springs, NY.
In "An ode to Sitchin by a Sitchinite," Susan K. Smith of Phoenix, AZ, said in rhyming verses that;
"A Sitchinite one became, when one learned the background of the game.
As a student Zecharia was reprimanded, but as a teacher his students banded.
Because attention to detail he commanded, and exacting research he demanded.
To us extraterrestrials are now the norm, because from them we are all born.
We yearn to learn their return, and so to Zecharia we all then turn.
We await his next book with great expectation, and will honor him with great celebration.
"Remembered by God" is Zecharia's Hebrew name, and lauded by us reflects his fame."
Speaking in behalf of Seminar participants and those who had gone with Zecharia on eleven field expedition-tours, John M. Cogswell of Buena Vista, CO said;
Zecharia, blessed with an abundance of intelligence, a special
curiosity and an uncanny insight, has dedicated his life to researching
our ancient past. He has reported his findings in many books and
personally shared them with us during trips and in seminars.
In the past decade, Zecharia has given us the most exciting
intellectual journey of our lives. He has taught us from where we
came and given us hope about where we are going. He has made
history of myths. He has made the mundane of a museum visit an
exciting adventure. He has resolved the conflict between creation
and evolution. He has given us new and different truths to define
our lives and inspired questions to pursue in the days ahead.
Mostly, he has kindled the flames of the posterity of which Lord Enki
spoke and enjoined us to nourish them that the way of Mankind be fully
We thank him for what he has done and we assure him that what he has
taught us will be passed along to others as we, his disciples, imparted
by his example, continue his work - to read the record, to remember the
past and to understand the Future.
The Masters Group